Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9/30/08 WSJ Quiz Question

The picture (taken at a White House meeting) is not exactly what appeared in the WSJ—Senator McCain sat at the far left (the President’s right) and Senator Obama sat at the far right (the President’s left). What was the topic of discussion for this august group? They were

a. debating offshore oil drilling rights granted to now defunct Standard Oil Company.
b. seeking a reconciliation between the candidates’ excessively negative campaigning.
c. attempting to hammer out a compromise on the government’s $700 billion bailout.
d. comparing notes on the success of their fantasy football teams.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Josh ('03) and Ginny ('03) Logan

Ginny writes: "Praise the LORD, we bought a house and will be working on it in October so we can move in by the 31st. We didn't think we'd ever be able to afford a house in California. However, the Lord has been very good to us and we were able to get a foreclosed house!
"Josh is currently applying for some city positions. He drives 1 1/2 hours each way to work right now and it's just too far and expensive with gas prices and bridge tolls.

"I'm still working as church secretary from home so I can take care of Jack (just turned 1 in August). I do work in the office one day a week and my mother in law watches Jack. It's an ideal schedule."
This week's quiz question:
Henry M Paulson, US Treasury Secretary, is the former chairman and CEO of which investment bank:

A. Citibank
B. Goldman Sachs -- Correct Answer
C. JPMorgan Chase
D. Royal Bank of Scotland Group

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9/23/08 WSJ Quiz Question

Placing one’s cash between the mattress and the box spring is symbolic of:
a. corruption at the IRS.
b. a lack of trust in banks.
c. poorly manufactured bedroom furniture.
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

What's your guess? :^)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Matt Whitten ('04)

Matt writes:

"Caleb is getting ready for his 1st birthday coming up on the 30th of [September]. He is a great baby and is growing fast. Anita really enjoys being able to care for him and not having to worry about working. It is such a blessing to be able to support our family with my salary so Caleb can grow up with his own parents raising him. That seems like a rare thing in a busy city like Chicago. We are very grateful for the Lord’s provision for us."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kim Marks ('98)

Here's a picture from last Christmas of Kim and the Rom (Gypsy) kids who she teaches in Ciumeghiu, Romania.

Kim believes that there are two qualities that are especially important to an aspiring Christian professional--"fierce integrity and a genuine interest in people."

"Your integrity is the one thing that slips away from you ever so slyly until you find yourself out in left field. Both in the US and outside in other countries, people have told others that they can trust me because of my track record of keeping my word and telling the truth. The few times I have decided to 'only disclose what is necessary' or 'soften the truth' I saw the results later when people were hurt not only by the truth, but also by those who withheld all the necessary details.

"We must value people. People respond when they see your genuine concern for THEIR interests. I have found that getting to know people and their families you raise morale, increase their work ethic and even open the door to share the Gospel with people. When we truly love our neighbors as ourselves, God is glorified, work gets done and we all feel better."

Rachel Roedel ('06)

Several Tuesday's this semester, the students in Introduction to Business have a quiz on the past week's lecture material and on a small portion of the Wednesday through Friday Wall Street Journal. A bonus question will be provided by business alumni (and the answer the following week). Here's Rachel's (2006 Marketing Management graduate):

Which bank recently agreed to buy out Merrill Lynch in order to help them avoid bankruptcy?

1) J.P. Morgan
2) Citi Bank
3) Bank of America -- Correct Answer!
4) Bear Stearns

The picture includes Rachel, her husband Justin, and his dad while hiking in Glacier National Park.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lee Music ('95)

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Music welcomed Audrey Lynn on August 23rd. Lee says that they'll be coming to Maranatha for the 40th Anniversary. Lee's "respons-ibilities at our church are treasurer, trustee, lead the singing, teach Sunday School to young adults and also Wednesday night Kings Kids Program Head Leader." Busy! Busy!

In his spare time Lee operates a Farmers Insurance and Financial Services firm in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Jessica (Aucoin) Asire ('07)

Jessica, Matt, and Zeta (2 weeks old) pictured here.

Pray for the Asires as Matt continues his pursuit of US Coast Guard Officer Candidate School.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mark Wichman ('00)

Mark writes: "I’ve finished my second tour of 2 months here in Amsterdam! I cannot believe how many people I’ve met here from different regions of the world including China, Japan, India, Iceland, Australia, Ukraine, Russia & also a few from the US.

"I’ve been visiting Crossroads Church since I arrived here and have enjoyed the ministry and seeing American missionaries.

"I have been able to see a few more things on my off time including Antwerp and Brussels, Belgium. I tried all the food your supposed to eat as a tourist (the waffles & cream, chocolate, fries etc..) and most lived up to the hype!

"A Russian friend Alisa (only a friend people!) I met while on tour happened to be an atheist and I was able to share my faith with her. I challenged her to read the Bible & e-mail me with any questions she has so please pray that God will work in her life."