Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kim Marks ('98)

Kim is in the direct channel of blessings from God on her ministry in Romania! She writes:

"How can you deny the power of God when you see a recently illiterate woman now teaching the Bible to a church full of children? It was my great pleasure this last month to see Claudia, the pastor’s wife in Ciumeghiu, teach her first Bible lesson. I have been working with Claudia for two years helping her to learn to read and write. She started helping with kids’ class last summer and then this winter began teaching the children their weekly memory verse. After much work and prayer, Claudia taught the children about the creation of the world. It was awesome to SEE God strengthen this tentative woman to effectively teach and handle a class of restless children. I was so proud of her, but my heart almost burst with pride just two weeks later when Claudia held class all by herself because I was sick in bed. Despite her apprehension, she trusted God to help her serve Him in a new way. Our God still works miracles in this world."

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