Monday, November 10, 2008

Roger Chapman ('93)

Roger and Karie live in Bridgeport / Stamford, CT. Roger opines:

"We still have three children (without plans for additions). They’re probably getting to be about the ages your kids (Dr. Pfaffe's) were when I attended MBBC! Time waits for no one. I’m still at Edelman Leather. I just passed my tenth anniversary! I’ve been promoted to VP of Finance.

"The company was sold a year ago as a wholly owned subsidiary of Knoll, Inc., primarily an office systems manufacturer. That was a great (and stressful) experience. Aside from 2009 financial planning, I am currently working on opening a business office in Dublin Ireland for Edelman, another incredible experience. We’ll be up and running in January 2009. Karie and I will also take a little vacation in Ireland when I go back to open the office.

"After this semester I will have 5 courses remaining to complete my MBA. I may be able to finish that in 2009 depending upon course availability. I cannot wait. What a drain on my time and energy!

"Our little church is close to going to the town for our building permit. Lord willing we will begin building in the spring. Please pray that He allows us to do so, if He tarries."

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