suffered through successfully completed and thoroughly enjoyed Business Law at MBBC, so that makes you imminently qualified to help me make the class more interesting for current students! I had Dr. Brock for Business Law back in 1995, and it was a great head start for law school.
I would love to know what you liked a lot and what you liked "not so much" and especially what you actually use in your current employment. Please let me know in the comments, or email me directly with any feedback that comes to mind.
Thanks in advance for your help.
-Matt Davis
Unfortunately I took business law via correspondence...
I definitely don't recommend that. I didn't learned much especially b/c I was hurrying to get in done in a couple of months. I know I would have learned and retained a lot more if I had been in a classroom setting. As you know there is a lot of information to soak in and I needed the interaction to help it all "gel" with me.
I don't think I will come back to sit in your classroom but I'm sure it will be a more interesting class then the tapes I listened to. Fortunately I did not pursue a law degree...
God bless!
I've found the basics of legal citations very helpful. USC isn't just a school in California.
Though the chapter on criminal law was one of the most interesting, it's probably not going to be of any practical use for 90% of students. It's the "boring" things like torts and investment law that will be applicable to the average business major.
As someone who went on to get an MBA, I would also point out that it's vital to grasp the basics in business law so you have a good foundation for a graduate program that will probably go in-depth with only one or two aspects and not mention the others at all. For example, my degree included a class solely on regulatory law.
I know I would have learned and retained a lot more if I had been in a classroom setting. I would also point out that it's vital to grasp the basics in business law so you have a good foundation.
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