Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dr. Pfaffe Throws Down the White Board Marker

But why did he throw down the white board marker? Reportedly, he doesn't own a gauntlet to throw down.

It's all about Vince Pardo, freshman student in Dr. Pfaffe's Introduction to Business class and the-straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back event that occurred at the annual Department of Business Christmas open house at Professor Ron Miller's home on December 9. After a humiliating loss in pool and a crushing defeat in Wii Baseball at the hands of Mr. Pardo, Dr. Pfaffe has challenged "the menace" to a one-mile run on or about the first day of Spring 2009.

Mr. Pardo has yet to respond to the white board marker challenge. More later (hopefully)!


Vince Pardo said...

This could be fun! I would love to run a mile with you Dr. Pfaffe. Assuming i remember how to run a mile...

Vince Pardo said...

This could be fun! I would love to run a mile with you Dr. Pfaffe. Assuming i remember how to run a mile...

GRIMLOCKx01 said...

This is awesome!! GO TEAM VINCE