Friday, May 30, 2008

Erik Eloe ('07)

In the May/June 2008 issue of Baptist Bulletin, a General Association of Regular Baptist Churches publication, Erik and Erika were cited as a good examples of servants in a new church plant in innercity Chicago--River North Baptist Church.

According to the article, Erik is both song leader and "Caleb" -- the helper that Pastor Bill Branks was praying for.

Thanks for being good testimonies, Erik and Erika.

Department of Business Assessment

In May 2008, Maranatha’s Department of Business completed an intense process of self-assessment. The Department’s learning outcomes incorporate knowledge, problem-solving, communications, and technology capabilities that graduates may apply as they begin their careers or pursue advanced education. Faculty members assessing student achievement seek to identify strengths and weaknesses in the Department’s quest to prepare Christian business professionals well for superior service in their homes, churches, and vocations.

The students exceeded most business knowledge objectives. Among 447 business schools (2006-2007 participants), national standardized business test (ETS Business Test) results placed Maranatha’s accounting management majors in the top 25 percent in eight business disciplines including accounting (top 5%). Business management majors were in the top 25 percent in seven disciplines including management (top 20%). Marketing management majors were in the top 25 percent in six disciplines including marketing. Further, business interns exceeded employment supervisors’ expectations related to their general business knowledge.

The ability to solve management problems demands strong critical thinking skills. The College collects freshmen and senior test results for the college-level critical thinking skills component of the national Measures of Academic Proficiency and Progress (MAPP) test. Critical thinking scores increased significantly during business students’ four-year programs from 112.1 as freshmen to 114.9 as seniors (p < .10 for the statistically minded). And while employers of interns gave students high marks for their general business knowledge, they rated their problem-solving skills even higher (p < .10).

Business leaders value communication skills possessed by both their seasoned professionals and their college recruits. Department faculty members press their students to excel in their writing abilities. Maranatha’s 2007-2008 seniors from all programs of study received MAPP writing scores in the top 17% among U.S. college seniors. While freshmen business students’ writing scores on the test are significantly below the average for all freshmen entering the College (p < .10), they are virtually equal when they conclude as seniors—an excellent reflection on the quality of their development. While generally more subjective in nature, assessment of business graduates’ oral communication skills revealed high-level skills in both prepared presentations and extemporaneous speaking opportunities.

Business professionals of the 21st Century become experts in using technology. Five-year averages for Maranatha business students on the ETS Business Test place them in the top 50% in each of nine disciplines. Beginning in 2006, the test designers initiated a new section specifically assessing information systems knowledge. Cumulative results through May 2008 identified information systems as Maranatha business seniors’ strongest overall discipline with national rankings in the top 15% among more than 37,000 students from other institutions (2006-2007 participants). Internship employment supervisors rated interns’ skills using spreadsheet, word processing, database, and presentation software as exceptional.

Business knowledge and skills in problem-solving, communication and technology prepare graduates to succeed in their careers and in pursuit of advanced education. Of the 25 business graduates in May 2008, 23 have gained or are pursuing employment in their fields of study; two are pursuing law enforcement careers that typically require completion of a college degree. Exit surveys received from the graduates report a confident assurance that the men and women of the class of 2008 believe they have gained the necessary educational training required to enter both their business vocations and their graduate education programs.

Paul Shirk ('08)

At the May 2008 Commencement service, Paul received the Department of Business's second Student Achievement Award. A statement of Paul's qualifications as stated by the faculty follows.

"The Department of Business recognizes Mr. Paul T. Shirk as the 2008 Student Achievement Award recipient. As an Accounting Management major, Mr. Shirk earned a grade point average of 3.91 while maintaining an active extracurricular schedule and gaining the respect of his peers and professors. Mr. Shirk served as Detachment Commander of Maranatha’s ROTC Charlie Company while pursuing his education. He received the University of Wisconsin’s highest award to the senior Army cadet among its Madison, Wisconsin and partnership schools who has demonstrated superior leadership ability, excellence in academics and military studies and involvement in extracurricular activities. He serves in the children’s ministries at the New Testament Baptist Church of Columbus, Wisconsin. His fellow seniors consistently acknowledged his superior leadership skills as a Team Leader for his Senior Capstone team project. The faculty is pleased to announce this year’s recipient of the Student Achievement Award, Mr. Paul T. Shirk."

The Department of Business in collaboration with The Wall Street Journal offers distinctive recognition of an exceptional business graduating senior at Maranatha Baptist Bible College. The recipient has demonstrated excellence in academics and spiritual leadership, and holds great promise as a future Christian business professional.

The graduate receives a commemorative award medallion, a one-year subscription to The Wall Street Journal, and publication with other winners in a full-page announcement in the nation’s number one business newspaper.

Autumn Byers ('07)

At the May 2007 Commencement service, Autumn received the Department of Business's first Student Achievement Award. A statement of Autumn's qualifications as stated by the faculty follows.

"The Department of Business recognizes Miss Autumn Rose Byers as the 2007 Student Achievement Award recipient. As a Marketing Management major, Miss Byers earned a grade point average of 3.58 while maintaining an active extracurricular schedule and gaining the respect of her peers and professors. Miss Byers served as a Team Captain both in soccer and softball, participating all four years in intercollegiate athletics while pursuing her education. She serves in the music and children’s ministries at the First Baptist Church of Hartford, Wisconsin. Her fellow seniors gave her strong endorsement when senior capstone project Team Leaders were nominated. Miss Byers performed admirably in this function. The faculty is pleased to announce this year’s recipient of the Student Achievement Award, Miss Autumn Rose Byers."

The Department of Business in collaboration with The Wall Street Journal offers distinctive recognition of an exceptional business graduating senior at Maranatha Baptist Bible College. The recipient has demonstrated excellence in academics and spiritual leadership, and holds great promise as a future Christian business professional.

The graduate receives a commemorative award medallion, a one-year subscription to The Wall Street Journal, and publication with other winners in a full-page announcement in the nation’s number one business newspaper.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rachel (Broom) Krumwiede ('03)

Rachel and her husband, Kerry, received a tax filing deadline blessing! We received an exciting post card from them.

Maxwell David was born April 15, 2008. He weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20 inches long.

Here are two picture--Rachel with Maxwell and friends and Maxwell sleeping
...handsome young man

Brian Teets ('07)

Brian serves as Business Manager for Harry Totters customs. He works to establish the overall business direction and operation of the Totters business portfolio. Brian previously held positions with Xspedius Communications in O'Fallon, Missouri where he was involved in software development and IT support.

Trevor Waltho II ('08)

Trevor and his fiance (Shelly) are preparing for their wedding day.

Meanwhile, Trevor "started at Fiduciary Real Estate Development (FRED) in downtown Milwaukee on Monday, May 19. My job title is Accountant and I will be in charge of monthly/year-end statements, approval of bank reconciliations, journal entries, etc. I am very excited to have begun my accounting career at "FRED". It will be a great place to take the accounting principles learned in my classes and see them at work in a real life work environment.

"FRED will be able to work with me when I start classes again in a few months. They will be flexible as far as letting me leave early to make it to my classes in Whitewater. This was a precondition to any job that I might have accepted. Speaking of Whitewater, I was accepted into their MPA (Masters in Public Accounting) program and will begin night classes on a part-time schedule in spring of 2009."

Congratuations, Trevor! We look forward to hearing great progress in your career and life.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Monica Swaagman ('04)

Monica was accepted into the graduate school at UW-Milwaukee and will be pursuing her masters in Accounting with the intentions of sitting for the CPA exam when complete.

Monica is the Branch Controller at First Bank Financial Centre in the Waukesha, Wisconsin area.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Heather Mroczkowski ('06)

Heather graduated this month from Lakeland College with her MBA. Her next plan is to look for employment in the DC area. Congratulations, Heather!

Jotham Achenbach ('07)

Jotham and Shasta (Mikolowski) at Jon Maize's (2006 Business Management graduate) wedding! The sharp engaged couple is looking forward to their own Big Day soon! Jotham is now a personal banker in Michigan.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Senior Capstone Students-Spring 2008

Frank Krejci, President of Custom Shoppe of Watertown, Wisconsin, posed for a picture with the students of Dr. Pfaffe's Senior Capstone class late this semester outside the company facility. Mr. Krejci shared his experience and perspective regarding venture capital projects and management of the process of gaining funding from the perspective of a venture capitalist.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Jake Schulz ('04)

Jake and boys! Pam has to keep up with Isaac, Carter and husband in Door County, Wisconsin.