Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ginger Carter ('96)

Ginger serves as the Director of Development at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane, Washington. She enjoys her responsibility to work with those who extend financial support to the hospital.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rose Anne (Gordon) Bower ('94)

Rose Anne, Tim and kids serve as missionaries to Haiti. They ask prayer for their health and safety in a 3rd world country, witnessing opportunities, co-laborers and active ministries in local churches, a seminary, and many other Bible training venues.

They'll be on furlough for the first time since 2003. Rose Anne and Tim say, "we are dreading leaving our ministry here in Haiti for a year. It will be a serious test of the training we have given the local leaders over the last several years." Pray for the Bowers!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Kim Marks ('98)

We are so grateful to have one of our own alumni serving the Rom people in Ciumeghiu, Romania near its border with Hungary. You really do need to check out Kim's blog at .

Excerpts from Kim's most recent email update:

"For 2 years, we have been having children's class in Ciumeghiu with very little visible spiritual growth. Spitting, fighting, and constant commotion are normal for class and make anyone question if these uneducated children are getting anything. But God has a plan. Last summer, one boy accepted Christ as his Saviour at camp. A few weeks ago, a young VERY timid girl came up to me after class and asked me to help her pray and receive Jesus in her life. The older children are regularly singing songs in church services and are memorizing Scripture despite obvious learning difficulties like dyslexia and illiterate parents.

"The almost 100% illiteracy among Rom women spurs me on to continue helping these women memorize Bible verses and learn how to apply God's word to their lives. ... Every week around 10 women come to class with a true spiritual hunger that only God can produce. ... The Word of God is becoming the building blocks of these women's lives supporting them daily and enabling them to have victory in life."

Praises from Kim:

"After weeks of calling and headaches, Romania granted me another one year residence visa to work with the Rom people. Thank you, Lord!

"A wonderful week spent in London, England at a Baptist Mid Missions European Missionary conference. About 40 attended the conference and were blessed by good teaching and much needed fellowship."

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jonathan McCarrell ('07)

Corey Pfaffe and Jonathan met up in Grand Rapids, MI, to attend the Maranatha men's basketball regional tournament. Jonathan is working on his advanced accounting degree, taking Auditing right now. Dr. Pfaffe taught Auditing at Maranatha in the fall 2007 semester, our first offering of the new course, using the same textbook by William Messier that Jonathan is using.

Maranatha defeated Lincoln Christian and number one seed Kuyper College before losing in the final to Grace Bible College.

Melissa (Neisler) Herbert ('03)

Melissa and husband Aaron welcomed Brenna Paige Herbert, born on January 28, 2008. They praise the Lord that Brenna was completely healthy and is doing very well. Melissa says, "Now if only her parents could get used to the lack of sleep." :^)